Apr 9, 2010

Hackberry Records continued...

But this time... THE MOTIONS. Not kidding, these kids blow me away. Want to know why? Because they are kids, with the youngest starting at a mature 15 years (although, I am finding it rather unfair to refer to them as kids after spending some time chatting with them, they show great maturity paired with a rich and intelligent sense for culture). Insanity, the technical skills of these guys are impressive enough, but their showmanship and stage presence are enough to entertain on its own. An ease of chemistry that keeps them vibing for hours, effortless cool if you know what I mean.

Its mostly originals that compose a set, but they can also bring the house down on a mean Phil Collins cover of In The Air Tonight. I cannot wait to say I knew them when.... cheers boys.

Here are some shots I took from a show of theirs Mary and I went to the other night. Also checkout Hackberry's site for some free music from The Motions, go ahead and sign up on the mailing list while you're at it (there's your plug Reed), don't miss out on this one. http://hackberryrecords.com/

You can also pop in on their myspace for more: http://www.myspace.com/themotionsonline
